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Support navigating ACC's processes

Image by Jakob Owens

Let ĀKI support you to
navigate ACC’s processes.

​​Through our Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service, ĀKI supports kiritaki and whānau to navigate and understand your journey with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). We want to help you have a positive experience navigating ACC services, increasing equity through access to services and removing barriers to support.

ĀKI delivers this regional-based Navigation Service in the Waikato. We are completely independent of ACC and can provide easy to access technically correct advice, in a culturally appropriate way. To access Navigation Services, you will live in the Waikato and be Māori or part of a whānau Māori.

Struggling to understand your ACC journey? 

Dissatisfied with your experience of ACC? 

Declined a claim?

Connect with an ĀKI Navigator

0800 524 942

How can ĀKI help?

Mauri ora!

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